by Dusti Rodes
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A true story, told in the manner of Rev, W. H. Auden

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Dusti Rodes
"As a background to this story, it is the 'coded' account of my open-heart surgery journey in the manner of Rev. W.H. Auden, the creator of the Thomas the Tank stories. Back in 2007 they discovered a 4.2cm hole in the back of my heart. It took a year to finally get me into hospital via the NHS in order to get it repaired. (They kept telling me during that time 'when we get you on the table we can fix you, until then you just have to keep yourself alive! ) When they did finally fix it, it has left me with acute chronic atrial fibrillation, (Stoker Sid) which as you can read gave me some serious problems until they finally fitted the pacemaker! Nowadays, 12 years on, I still take 11 tablets daily to 'contain' the actions of my rogue heart to an acceptable level, and during the night or when I rest, the pacemaker kicks in in order to prevent my heartbeats dropping below a 'safe' level (above 65bpm) But it's been worth it in order to stay on the planet! And there you have it!"