Our services to publishers

  • Your latest releases displayed on our landing page, with links to platforms where these can be purchased.
  • A question-and-answer style interview with your author, based on their book, hosted in our website.
  • An audio recording by your author of extracts from their work.
  • Visual presentation of their work by your author: you provide the reading (against a blank background) and we can animate it, or present it in minimalist format.
  • We have a portfolio of talented new authors who we represent as literary agents. We can bring samples of their work to your attention on a regular basis. We have a mirror platform for Africa which is one of the most well-known on the continent. We’ve built an impressive team of fresh and exciting new authors through competitions run over the past three years.
  • As publishers you want to attract and nurture new authors. We can set up automated short story competitions in your name. You set the theme of the call, then judge entries or award prizes on downloads. You gain publicity and attract aspiring authors to follow up afterwards.

For enquiries - enquiries@yours2read.com

Our service to authors

  • Promotion of your work on our landing page, with links to Amazon where it can be purchased.
  • We can design and host a webpage, a link to which you can distribute through your social media links.
  • Hosting an audio recording of you reading all of or extracts from your work.
  • If you’re a member of a writers’ circle, you can set up a short story competition on our platform limited to circle members, or open to the wider public. Winners can be decided either by you, or automated and based on downloads. After the competition has ended you can withdraw all entries from the platform or release them to our members. Either way, you retain full copyright in your work.

For enquiries - enquiries@yours2read.com