by Dusti Rodes
Reviews : 2 Views : 0

“I ain’t always been in England, yer know! Me ‘n’ the Guvnor travelled, we has! ‘Specially back in the dark days when that Austrian housepainter ‘ad ideas above his station. Everybody ‘ad ‘to do their bit’ for King and Country, didn’t we? ‘Course, ...

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Tez Potter
"It suffices to say that I like many others of my acquaintance are looking forward to actually reading more of this story." This seems to also include Simon Regan from Yours2Read who emailed "I have to say that it had me hooked within the first few sentences! Well written, excellent sense of pace, and simply an engaging read. But ... It's not a self-contained short story. I came to the end and it was worse than a cliff-hanger! It just finished, mid air. Is there a follow-on part? It looks as if it's leading up to something, a real tale, but 'there ain't nuffin more! Is there any chance you'll add to it? ...
Alan Kirkby
Interesting bit of bait, to get you interested in the stories that follow. Looking forward to reading them.