by Tony Mochama
Reviews : 7 Views : 0

Set at the turn of the other century (1898/1899), this is the fact-based story of a Maasai moran (warrior) in search of lion mane, an Indian newspaper founder in a godforsaken bar in the stony plains of the Athi, a European colonel called Patterson...

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So intelligently written! Going back in time, and managing to put the historic reality right before the eyes of the audience is just epic! The story is also very informative and eye opening... Any one in touch with the Maa people and the riches of their culture would love it.
Naomi kimonye
Nice job
Seffu Kioi
Interesting and humorous.keep on keeping on
Maureen Kwamboka
Good one!
Samuel Makari
The best.
This short story explains to us how in this world things work for good for those who are well equiped with wisdom and this helps them venture into several fields.
Daniel Mumo