When you submit a story to the Y2R website, it’ll be checked first to ensure it contains nothing libellous, graphically violent, or racist, or is just plain nasty. Is this censorship? Yes, but since we aim to attract a wide readership we have to exclude whenever a story goes beyond acceptable boundaries. You’ll be able to follow its status (under review, accepted, rejected) via your own unique dashboard
The advantages of posting stories in the Y2R website are:
Only a Stripe-connected author can upload a story which requires payment by a reader. The author can also change the story type and amount in the Edit profile page. Authors can provide all or some of their stories for free. The default position is that all stories are free of charge when posted to the site: if an author prefers this, then THERE IS NO NEED TO REGISTER A STRIPE ACCOUNT.
Yours2Read will not directly sell any of the stories on its website since it has no legal rights, copyright or moral, in the works posted. This can only be done by an author. The site will take a 25% fee from any amounts paid to an author. Stripe can make this division, automatically. This percentage will not be changed by us without prior agreement from the author. We do not receive, handle or process any payments due to authors: these are automatically paid into the author’s Stripe account and we do not intermediate in the process or have access to it. We also do not store any bank account or Stripe account information, nor do we have access to it.
To connect Stripe to the author’s bank account, s/he will need to follow the following simple steps.
On the dashboard page, there’s a button marked ‘Connect with Stripe’. This is the gateway to connect a Stripe account with a bank account. Once the author clicks on this button, he or she will be redirected to the Stripe website.
Currency GBP Only
1.Login on to Stripe: If the author has already created an account with Stripe then s/he will be able to enter an email and password and then be redirected to Stripe's homepage.
2.Register with Stripe: The author will be able to register by clicking on the 'Signup' link which is shown below in the screenshot.
Bank Details. This section will require bank account details which the author will be able to connect with his or her Stripe account. Bank Account currency: the author will be able to select their currency. For example, If the author lives in the United Kingdom then s/he will select GBP (Pounds Sterling). Sort-code: If the user has a sort-code then s/he will be able to enter this or leave the field blank. Account number: here the author needs to enter their bank account number. Confirm account number: the author needs to enter the same account number mentioned in the above field.
Direct debit request and two-step authentication. This is not mandatory, and the author can leave it blank. Email: Here the author will be able to enter their email address so that s/he can access their Stripe account. Password: Here the author will be able to enter their password to access the Stripe account. Authenticate access to this account: Once the user clicks on this button, it will save all the details and create the account.
Only a PayPal-connected author can upload a story which requires payment by a reader. The author can also change the story type and amount in the Edit profile page. Authors can provide all or some of their stories for free. The default position is that all stories are free of charge when posted to the site: if an author prefers this, then THERE IS NO NEED TO REGISTER A PAYPAL ACCOUNT.
Yours2Read will not directly sell any of the stories on its website since it has no legal rights, copyright or moral, in the works posted. This can only be done by an author. The site is not taking any fee from any amount paid to an author. We do not receive, handle or process any payments due to authors: these are automatically paid into the author’s PayPal account and we do not intermediate in the process or have access to it. We also do not store any bank account or PayPal account information, nor do we have access to it.
To connect with PayPal an author needs to follow these simple steps.
If the author has a PayPal account, then simply log in.
If the author doesn't have a PayPal account, then he or she should register for one and then log in.
On the PayPal dashboard page there is a button: 'Create App'. Here you can create an App and this App will then provide API CREDENTIALS details.
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